Sunday, May 11, 2008

Luck Comes from Hard Work

1. Listen to unexpected impressions that come to mind: they can lead to unexpected lucky opportunities!
2. Hard work puts cause and effect into motion. Once you have experienced the effects and rewards of hard work, luck willingly climbs aboard.
3. Don't stand immobilized waiting for opportunity. Instead, turn an everyday occasion into an extraordinary and lucky one.
4. Prepare, prepare, and prepare for opportunity. There is nothing more demoralizing than being unprepared when an amazing, lucky opportunity presents itself.
5. Know exactly what you want and be fully determined to relentlessly pursue it and luck will find you.
6. When one door closes, don't stand and stare. Immediately open another one full of luck and opportunity.
7. Give 110%, then luck will kick in.
8. When opportunity knocks, answer immediately and luck will morph into something you have earned.


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